10 Ingredients to Make Your House Smell Like Christmas

10 Ingredients to Make Your House Smell Like Christmas

December 15, 2017

Toward the end of the year and beginning of the next, there is nothing like the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday season. To bring that Christmas scent throughout your home, send these ten ingredients wafting through your air.


Ah, that Christmas tree smell. You can add it by having a freshly cut evergreen tree in your home as well as fresh green wreaths and greenery on your stairway or fireplace mantel.


Add the warm and iconic smell of cinnamon by using it in your baking, simmering cinnamon sticks on the stove, or using cinnamon essential oil and potpourri.


An ingredient in pumpkin pie and gingerbread cake, cloves can also be found in essential oil and various decorative scented items.


In addition to the powdered ginger spice that is used in recipes, there is also fresh ginger that you can find in the produce section of the grocery store. Add the scent of ginger to your home by making fresh ginger tea or simmering ginger in a small crock pot.


Candy canes and other minty treats are common during the Christmas season. Use peppermint essential oil or peppermint liquid and bar soaps to add the invigorating and fresh smell of mint throughout your home.


Winter is definitely the season for all sorts of citrus fruits, from grapefruit to clementines to oranges. Use orange peels and citrus essential oils to add an uplifting scent to your home.


A classic and very appealing while relaxing aroma, vanilla is used in both edible delights and decorative items. Try out vanilla-scented candles and soaps or other decorative items.


You can find almond in the form of fresh nuts and all their variations in many recipes. There are also numerous decorative items and cleaning products that include almond scents.


Try growing a fresh rosemary plant in your indoor or outdoor garden, and use the herb freely in your wintry cooking. The delightful scent will warm your home.


This classic spice is available in various forms, including as a spice as well as a tea. It’s known for its beneficial properties, and it’s equally pleasing to the sense of smell.

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