3 Ways to Spice Up Your Outdoor Space

3 Ways to Spice Up Your Outdoor Space

July 27, 2016

For most homeowners, their homes’ outdoor space is just as important as their indoor space. After all, during summer, we all want to be outside enjoying barbeques, birthday parties, swimming pool parties, and all the other usual backyard activities, right?

Therefore, you have to give some thought to planning how you want your backyard space to be. At Trusst Builder Group, we have designers and landscapers in house who can lend you their expertise. And, when we asked our Southport NC builders what their three top tips were for spicing up a home’s outdoor space, here’s what we were told.

#1: Create Specific Zones

One way to make your backyard more organized and free-flowing is to create specific zones for certain things. For instance, if you love barbequing, then create an area where you can have an outdoor kitchen, or, if you can’t spare the expense, then at least a space where you have everything you need to get cooking.

Same thing goes for your swimming pool. Place your pool in a part of the yard where it’s easily seen from the patio for safety reasons, but far enough away so that the noise the kids are making doesn’t overshadow the conversations the adults are trying to have.

In truth, how many zones your backyard has is up to you and the things you like to do. Ideally, you’ll want a zone for relaxing and maybe a seating space where the family can enjoy an outdoor meal. Or, if you love to read, pick a nice shady spot and make it an outdoor reading nook. You’re only limited by your imagination, your creativity, and of course, the size of your yard.

#2: Make It Comfortable

In the summertime, it’s going to be hot outside. So, at least make your outdoor space comfortable and you won’t mind the heat as much. Comfort is key, because if you aren’t comfortable outside, then you’ll more than likely spend more time inside where you’ll miss out on all of the beautiful summer weather. Choose quality outdoor furniture that is comfortable and inviting and you’ll find yourself outside more often this summer, and you’ll want it to be lightweight too so you can move it around to accommodate guests if necessary.

#3: Choose a Focal Point

Giving your outdoor area a focal point will help make the space stand out. For instance, you can make the focal point a custom-built fire pit or maybe a garden. Again, this all depends on the size and scope of your backyard, but, utilizing a focal point will draw the eyes of your guests to the exact area you want them to be looking and convening.

Call Trusst’s Southport NC Builders for a Consultation Today

If you’re in the market for a new home and you want to ensure that its outside is just as useful and beautiful as its inside, then call Trusst Builder Group today at 910-371-0307. Our Southport NC builders will work with you to ensure that your finished home is everything you want it to be and more.

Trusst Builder Group can help you build the home you have always wanted in an area you’ve always wanted to live in, and all at a price that makes sense. Let us show you what we can do. Give us a call today and schedule a consultation with one of our Southport NC builders.

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