9 Cool Home Technology Trends

9 Cool Home Technology Trends

July 24, 2014

Home builders regularly rely on technological innovations to make the new homes they design and build more attractive, more energy efficient, and just plain cooler than older homes on the market. From eco-friendly building materials to the latest in home electronics, Trusst’s Leland NC home builders offer the industry’s most advanced options. Here are nine of the latest home technology trends to keep on your radar if you’re considering building a new home this year.

#1: Whole Home Integration

Whole home integration allows for all of the home’s systems to be controlled from one location – a hand-held LCD screen. With this complex system installed in your home, you can control the temperature, the lighting, and more in every room in the house regardless of where you are in the home. You can even start a movie on the downstairs TV, warm up the hot tub, open your gate to a welcome guest, turn on the outside spotlights, lock all the windows and doors, monitor your security cameras, and more!

#2: Transparent A/V Systems

Visit the television section of any electronics store and you’ll quickly see that bigger is better. But, those large monitors can be unsightly when not in use. As a result, more of today’s home owners are opting for transparent audio-visual systems. This involves having the audio equipment installed in a specially-designed A/V closet, speakers installed in the walls or ceiling, and televisions installed on lift systems that rise into the ceiling when they are not in use.

#3: Universal Remote Controls

Universal remote controls have been around for decades, but they pale in comparison to what is available now. Today’s advanced A/V systems demand powerful remote controls and what makes today’s universal remotes so special is that they can be custom-made for the home so yours will always work.

#4: Sustainable Power Supplies

For many new homeowners, eco-friendliness is of high importance. Many homeowners want to keep their carbon footprints to a minimum, and one of the best ways to accomplish this is to install sustainable power resources like solar power systems, wind power generators, and other solutions. In fact, today’s advanced home electrical systems can even help you control your energy use by automatically controlling the refrigerator, hot water heater, and other appliances so their power consumption is minimized when not in use.

#5: Home Theaters

Like universal remotes, home theaters have also been around for a few decades, but when it comes to custom-built homes, more home owners are opting for home theaters that mimic a real world theater experience. From luxurious finishes to huge viewing screens to advanced audio systems to theater-like seating, today’s home theaters are complex entertainment systems that integrate the latest technology in sound and video.

#6: Interactive Entertainment

Interactive forms of entertainment, like gaming consoles and Internet-based games, are more prevalent in today’s home entertainment rooms and this is a trend that is guaranteed to grow. For this reason, gaming and Internet access are always key considerations in any good home entertainment media center.

#7: Mobile Accessibility

With smartphones practically standard in most modern families, it makes sense that more new homeowners want greater mobile accessibility and today’s builders are listening. One of the hottest home technology trends is having the ability to control a home’s integrated systems using an app on one’s smartphone. This ingenious technology makes it possible to control the home’s thermostat, lighting, security, entertainment, and more all with the touch a few buttons.

#8: Productivity Improvements

With more and more people either running their own businesses from home or working at home for employers; productivity improvements have become an important consideration for custom home designers. Modern custom-built homes are featuring network improvements that allow for faster Internet connections, better video conferencing tools, and other productivity solutions geared toward making working from home easier and more professional.

#9: Complete Customization

Today’s home technology trends are limited by the homeowner’s imagination and the abilities of their home builder. This allows for an increased level of creativity and customization. If a homeowner can imagine it, odds are, their builder can deliver it.

Contact Trusst’s Leland NC Home Builders Today

Trusst Builder Group’s Leland NC home builders specialize in designing and building tomorrow’s homes today. Call us today at 910-371-0304 to schedule a professional consultation with one of our professional home architects. Our Leland NC home builders and designers can help you build your new home or show you our existing homes in some of Leland’s highest-rated communities.

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