Following Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Following Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

November 1, 2017

Regular home maintenance is vital to keeping a home safe and comfortable. One easy way for our clients to remember to tend to checking and troubleshooting is to do it in spring and fall.

Though some types of troubleshooting can be done by the customer, they shouldn’t hesitate to call our professionals at Trusst Builder Group, the Wilmington NC Builders for service or references. Following is the fall maintenance checklist every homeowner should have:

The HVAC System

The components of a customer’s HVAC system need to be inspected by a professional in the fall include. Parts may need to be cleaned, oiled, adjusted or replaced in order for the system to cope with the demands of the cold weather and the heating season. The fireplace should also be inspected, especially if it’s a gas fireplace. A malfunctioning gas fireplace is dangerous, for it can allow carbon monoxide to enter the home. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas that replaces oxygen in the blood. It can lead death at high enough levels.

Electrical Appliances

The homeowner should check the electric cords and wires throughout their house and make sure that they are sound. Replace them if they’re frayed or otherwise damaged. They should also have a plumber come in and check the hoses attached to the washing machine. After some years, washing machine hoses are subject to splitting, which can lead to floods. One tip is to replace old rubber hoses with metal ones.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers should be kept in places where they’re easy to access but away from heat. To see if they’re pressurized, check the arrow in the pressure gauge. It should be in the green area. If it’s in the red area, the extinguisher needs to be re-pressurized. In some cases, the local fire department will be able to recharge the extinguisher. If not, a new one needs to be bought. Another tip is to give the extinguisher a shake before replacing it. This keeps the chemicals inside from congealing.

First Aid Kits

Make sure that the medicines and other items in the family’s first aid kit have not expired. Replace anything that has.

Septic Tank

If the septic tank hasn’t been serviced in some years, it may be time to pump it out. Only a professional should do this.

Contact Trusst Builder Group Today!

Trusst Builder Group, the Wilmington NC Builders are pleased to help area homeowners with their fall checklist. If you are interested in building a home in New Hanover or Brunswick counties, give us a call at (910) 371-0304.

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