How to Organize Your Garage

How to Organize Your Garage

July 12, 2021

Many homeowners overlook their garage. In many instances, the enclosure is used to not only house vehicles but various miscellaneous items they lack the room of desire to store anywhere else.

The employees of the Trusst Builder Group invites our current and future customers to understand that adherence to several practical tips could result in an uncluttered, organized, and aesthetically pleasing garage. Such suggestions include:


Formulating A Plan

In many cases, garage remediation cannot be executed spur of the moment in a couple of hours. Solid and effective reorganizations typically require a fair degree of planning.

Therefore, homeowners yearning to take on this assignment are urged to first consider the size and condition of the area. If the inclusion is especially large or messy, intended maintenance might take a weekend or longer.

Additionally, cleanup specialists caution homeowners to factor the weather prior to setting any final cleanup dates. It is important to remember that numerous, weather-sensitive, or potentially heavy items often must be hauled in and out of the garage in question. Ergo, said tasks should be done during clear weather not accompanied by excessively warm or cool temperatures.


Eliminating Unneeded or Unwanted Material

During the remediation’s first stage, homeowners are urged to eliminate all holdings they no longer need or want. Such efforts quickly eliminate clutter and open up additional space.



Once aged, tired, or unused items have been purged, the cleaning phase can commence. Before beginning this process, first inspect the space to determine how broad the effort will need to be. Once said assessment has been made, the homeowner is urged to engage in tasks such as:

  • Thoroughly sweeping floors
  • Vacuuming away piles of dust and dirt
  • Looking out for water damage or the presence of rodents or insects
  • Scrubbing floors with powdered detergent

To garner optimal results, spray floors with a hose, scrub them using mops, and wait for the covering to dry completely before bringing holdings back inside.


Strategizing Storage Space

When ready to relocate retained items, homeowners are encouraged to designate specific space for similar items. For example, cleansing products and tools should be kept together.


Keeping Items off the Floor

Optimally organized garages are those whose floors do not house stored items. Rather, products should be contained in boxes to be placed on shelving or cabinets. Larger items like bicycles and power tools should be hung on the walls.


Contacting Us

Our company has constructed custom homes for a wide array of customers for several decades. Those looking to retire or relocate to the Brunswick County area or within New Hanover County are urged to contact us and let our experienced, skilled team design the home of your dreams.

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