10 Ideas for Welcoming New Neighbors

10 Ideas for Welcoming New Neighbors

February 20, 2017

At one point or another, every new homeowner becomes the “new neighbor” in the community. And, it’s the responsibility of those already living in the community to make that homeowner feel welcomed. After all, caring about each other is what helps forge strong communities.

If you have a new neighbor moving in, then you can make a lasting impression on them and help them adapt to their new surroundings through a simple, kind gesture. Here are ten ideas from our home builders Leland NC that will help you welcome your new neighbors.

#1: Bring Them a Home Baked Treat

Knocking on the door and welcoming a new neighbor with a fresh baked cake, muffins, or cookies might seem cliché, but it’s cliché because it works. After all, who doesn’t love fresh baked goods? Just be extra cautious and provide your neighbor with a list of ingredients in case they or someone in their family has any food allergies.

#2: Give Them a Neighborhood Directory

A neighborhood directory is a valuable thing to have. It has all of the names and contact numbers in its pages and this can be very helpful in times of need. It also helps bring the community together because it shows that everyone can rely on each other. So, take your new neighbor a copy of the directory and ask for their contact information so you can update it to include them.

#3: Give Them a List of Take-Out Menus

When you move into a new city, it can take a while before you find the really good places to eat. So, help your new neighbor out and provide them with a list of take-out menus from the best of the best. This will save them time and ensure they don’t waste money at some of the lesser quality eateries in town.

#4: Treat Them to a Local Specialty

If your city is particularly known for something unique, treat your new neighbor to it. This will help them get a better feel for the area and its history, and it will make them feel more connected to the community.

#5: Give Them a List of Local Attractions, Parks, and Amenities

It takes time to know your surroundings when you move to a new area. You have to find everything from the post office to the parks to the stores and attractions. But, if you provide your new neighbor with a complete list of these things, including their addresses, it will help cut their learning curb down significantly and this is something that will be greatly appreciated as they work to get used to their new city.

#6: Give a Traditional Housewarming Basket

Housewarming baskets are always welcomed by new neighbors, especially when it contains thoughtful gifts like good quality olive oil, artisan salt, premium candles, and other delights.

#7: Give Them a Bottle of Wine

A bottle of wine is another classic housewarming gift that you just can’t go wrong with. Even if the new neighbor doesn’t drink, he or she will still be able to keep it on hand in the event they host a get-together or party.

#8: Stop By with a Drink to Share

If your new neighbor is working in the yard and it’s a scalding hot day, stop by and offer them an ice cold beer, ice tea, or lemonade. You can introduce yourself and welcome them to the neighborhood. Just be mindful of the time you spend in their yard if they’re working. You don’t want to be a nuisance.

#9: Share Some Veggies From Your Garden

If your garden was productive this year, sharing your bounty with your neighbor is a great way to make them feel welcome. It will also help them save some money at the market their first week in the neighborhood and this is always welcomed.

#10: Host a Dinner Party

Hosting a quaint dinner party with your immediate neighbors is a wonderful way for the new neighbors to get acquainted with those closest to their home. It will help settle their nerves and it will help them get to know everyone a little more thoroughly.

Looking to Move in 2017? Call Trusst’s Home Builders Leland NC

If you’re the one who is planning on being a new neighbor this year, Trusst Builder Group can help you get the perfect home in your new neighborhood. Our experienced home builders Leland NC can help you design and build your home based entirely on your family’s unique wants and needs and budget.

Give us a call today at 910-371-0304 to schedule a consultation with our experienced builders. We think you’re going to be excited about what we have to offer.

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