2017 New Year’s Resolutions for Home

2017 New Year’s Resolutions for Home

January 20, 2017

Although spring is recognized as the season of renewal, January is actually the month in which most people try to make the changes necessary for improving their lives, hence New Year’s resolutions. This is the month where people become dedicated to doing the things they need or want to, such as losing weight, improving their finances, stopping smoking, etc.

But, if you really want to enjoy a better life in 2017, then you shouldn’t restrict your resolutions to just improving yourself – you should also apply some dedication to improving your home. Here are five New Year’s resolutions for getting most out of your home this year.

#1: Keep It Clean

A clean and tidy home is a more comfortable home. But, before you can get your home nice and organized, you first need to declutter. Start in one room and really think about what you want to keep and what you can live without. Keep only the things that truly bring you joy and donate whatever you no longer need or use. Your home will look and feel lighter and you’ll enjoy the feeling you get when you unburden yourself of unimportant “things.”

#2: Go Green

Going green is the perfect complement to a New Year’s resolution that involves improving your financial health because saving energy will save you money. One of the best things about this resolution is you don’t have to go all-in right from the start. You can start making subtle changes in how you use and conserve energy now and then increase your dedication as the year progresses. Some things to try include swapping out your incandescent light bulbs for LED bulbs, turning your heat down to 55 degrees at night, turning off lights whenever you leave a room, installing low-flow showerheads, and only running the dishwasher when it’s full.

#3: Improve Safety

Everyone wants a beautiful home, but what everyone needs most is a safe home. So, this January, make a commitment to make your home as safe and secure for your family as possible. This means installing fresh batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, cleaning the lint out your dryer’s exhaust line, testing for radon, and fixing any leaks.

#4: Keep Your Home Ready for Guests

Improving relationships with family and friends is another common resolution for some people. And, if you are committing to spending more time with your loved ones this year, then this might mean you’ll be having more guests than usual at your home. So, make it a resolution to keep your home always ready for entertaining or for housing overnight guests. One way to start this process is to renovate a bedroom, living room, or kitchen. Giving your home an update will make you feel more comfortable about hosting and this will help encourage you to have more people over.

#5: Make a Weekly Cleaning Schedule and Stick to It

To keep your home in tip-top shape, you need to do certain things daily, certain things weekly, and certain things monthly. For instance, all of the dirty dishes should be put in the dishwasher every night and your dirty laundry in the basket every day. But, mopping the floors is something that can be done weekly or twice a week. Therefore, creating a schedule of tasks is a great resolution to make for your home because it will help ensure that everything gets done when it needs to be done.

Want to Build a New Home in 2017? Call Trusst’s Wilmington NC Builders Today

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to finally buy a custom-built home for your family, then now is the time to get started. Trusst Builder Group’s Wilmington NC builders can help you design the ultimate home for your family’s unique wants and needs, as well as your budget.

Give us a call today at 910-371-0304 to schedule a consultation with our experienced architects and Wilmington NC builders. We think you’re going to be excited about what we have to offer.

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