Adding Personality to Your Home

Adding Personality to Your Home

November 15, 2021

Does your home make you feel happy, protected, calm, comfortable, and satisfied, especially after a hectic day at work? If your home does not enhance your comfort and make you eager to get home, it may be because it lacks personality. Your home is your private space, and it should reflect who you are (your taste, personality, and class). This is important because your personal space should always energize you, help you unwind, and uplift your spirits.

Below are some tips that can help you express your personality in your home.


Switch up the furniture

Did you know that the kind of furniture you choose expresses your style? For instance, if you like bright colors, you should pick furniture with unique shades to ensure your space pops. If you are afraid that you may not know how to select furniture that expresses your personality, you can always consider working with an interior designer.

Additionally, if the furniture in your home is archaic or worn out, this is definitely a sign to get new furniture. This time round, however, you better choose furniture that brings out your style. For example, if your style is country, you can go for furniture with floral, painted, or soft wood.

If you consider yourself modern, then look for angular, metallic, or sharp-looking furniture. In case you are laid back and casual, then comfortable, simple, and wooden furniture will most likely satisfy you. Moreover, if you are old school or old-fashioned, then chintz, antiques, and dark red wood furniture will be more appealing to you.


Add more color

Just like furniture, the colors on the walls of your home express your personality. Do you feel like the colors in your living room really express who you are? What about the colors of your bedroom walls? Do they have a soothing and comforting effect on you? Your rooms’ colors should not only be attractive but also compatible with your personality.

If the colors of your home do not represent you, then it’s time for change.

In order to determine the colors that best suit you, you need to identify your type of personality. If you want your living room or bedroom to feel tranquil and restful, then you should go for light colors, such as soft yellows, lavenders, pinks, and blues.

If you want to feel calm when you enter a room, you can select warm colored paints or cool colors.


Need help adding personality to a home you want to build? Call Trusst Wilmington home builders today.

Trusst Builder Group is one of the best Wilmington home builders in the region. Since 1992, our company has been building neighborhoods and homes in New Hanover and Brunswick counties. Whether it’s plan development or finishing touches after construction, Trusst always works closely with homeowners every step of the way. Let us help you add a splash of your personality to your home by providing you with our best interior designers. Call us now.

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